We Have Jobs – Where Are All Of The Candidates? OCT, 2011
Q. We thought with unemployment as high as it is we wouldn’t have any problem finding people. However, the opposite seems to be happening. We get a lot of resumes, but the people are not the right fit, they don’t have the right experience or skills, and often aren’t even close to what we are looking for. Why with such high unemployment is it so difficult to find people?
This is a common misunderstanding by companies. As a recruiter, companies just don’t believe it when I tell them finding top talent is much harder when unemployment is high and easier when unemployment is low. I can sum up why in one word, “fear.”
This happens because even with 12% unemployment in California, only a very small percentage of those people will actually be qualified for your position. Variables to consider include location, compensation, industry, the right skills, years of experience, cultural fit and so on. This means that there really isn’t that huge of a pool of candidates to choose from in the unemployed arena.
That then leaves those currently working. But stop and think about those working for a minute. They are thinking, “The devil I know is better than the one I don’t know.” Do you believe they want to take the risk of changing jobs, having something not work out and then face unemployment for 6 months. Not very likely. Chances are they know people that have been unemployed for a long time so working candidates bunker down. Staying with a company where they may not be happy is a whole lot better than unemployment. As a result, most employed people are not looking or even interested in considering something.
Contrast this with times of very low unemployment. There is no fear. The candidate figures that if the new job doesn’t work out, no problem, I will find another in no time so they are willing to consider other opportunities.
Don’t underestimate fear in your analysis.
I welcome your comments and feedback.
Brad Remillard
If you are seeking an Executive Coach for yourself or your organization, consider contacting CB Bowman, MBA, CMC at Executive Leadership, LLC 908.509.1744 cb@exec-leadershipllc.com; http://www.exec-leadershipllc.com.
CB Bowman, ia a Certified Master Coach and president, CEO of Executive Leadership, LLC. She is also the Chairperson and Founder for the Association of Corporate Executive Coaches (http://www.acec-website.org).
Among mid to senior level professionals Executive leadership LLC is the go to company for individuals and companies seeking human capital repositioning, development and/or growth through coaching, counseling, and strategic advice.
With her Fortune 500 business background, laser like precision, and a take no prisoners approach she swiftly narrows in on the issue, and unlike others, she presents financially sound, creative and action oriented solutions with infinite possibilities