Monday, February 13, 2012

Writer’s Block – How to get your inspiration back

You know that it is important to update your website on regular basis and post blog updates often to maintain and improve your search engine ranking (SEO). You sit down in front of your computer/laptop but nothing comes out. You want to post an insightful update and just can’t come up with a good idea. It’s a problem that strikes us all, especially when it comes to writing – the dreaded writer’s block.
Don’t fall victim to procrastination or fear of the blank page. There are plenty of things you can do to get you on the right track towards posting:
  • Start with looking at your competition: what kind of information are they providing their guests?
  • Look at websites you like and determine what it is about them that you like.
  • Look at sites you don’t like (not just your competition). What is it about them that you don’t like – do they over share? Do they provide information that you need or is it just words on a page?
  • Ask people/fans/customers what they would like to see posted on your site.
  • Keep a notepad near you while you work that is just for web-ideas. When you think of something write it down and keep it on your “to-do” list.
  • Follow social media. There is a wealth of intentional or unintentional information available on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and even Pintrest.  Use these portals to discover new trends and interesting information relevant to the topic of your website. It is also a good idea to save your favorite articles for future references.  Reading such articles can help spark your inspiration.
The simple fact is that inspiration can strike from anyplace or anything. Just be open to it and remember it’s sort of like lightning, that it often strikes when you least expect it and rarely ever strikes twice.
Do you have another great way to find inspiration? Share it below in the comments section.

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